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3D stickers with NFC chip
(Product ID: 1017)

Attractive 3D stickers to connect your product with virtual world
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3D stickers are commonly used for tagging products with your company’s logo. You can programme NFC 3D sticker to connect client with your marketing material e.g.:

- Visit to your website

- Open YouTube or Vimeo video with your product presentation

- Open you Facebook or Instagram page

- Download and start your smartphone app

- Transfer contact information to users smartphone

- Start a call or send a text


3D stickers with NFC chip can come in any shape and size, smallest size is 15 x 15 mm.

We’ll be glad to help you choose most suitable NFC chip based on your use case.

These cast NFC tags can be glued on different surfaces or products – packaging, furniture, electronic devices, keyfobs, etc.


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