How does the NFC antenna size affect the reading distance?
26. July 2021
Is the reading distance of larger NFC tags greater than regular tags? Do they work faster? Which smaller NFC tag works well with regular NFC readers and mobile devices? In this article, you will learn about how the antenna size affects the operation of NFC chips. 
Factors which affect the operation of chips and readers explained
17. Jun 2021
In over 12 years of operation in the field of RFID technology, we have helped our customers solve many problems, and below are the 7 most common reasons for RFID chips or readers to not work properly. If you need professional advice, we are available at
What is the difference between NTAG213, NTAG216, and Mifare DESFire?
04. May 2021
The NFC transponders like NFC stickers, key fobs, tags, discs, cards, labels, and wristbands contain a NFC chip and an antenna inside different kinds of housings.  There are as many as five types of contactless chips which are compatible with NFC protocols and they have their own specific properties. With this article, we will clarify the differences between NFC chips so you will know which is the best for your NFC application.